How long does it take to learn to draw? – The Virtual Instructoryoutube

The best way to answer this question is to see how long it takes a beginner to learn certain techniques. Once it is known how long it will take, the practice must be a lot more rigorous.

In this section you’ll find a list of drawing techniques. The first drawing techniques are easy. They cover the simple basics, such as drawing circles and lines to a grid and lines to a background, with some extra examples.

The second drawing techniques cover more complicated concepts such as lines and curves. These techniques are a lot more challenging though to learn, in my opinion, and can be quite time consuming.

The third drawing techniques are the hard ones to learn, and require more attention and practice. The first is the drawing circle. This is a circle drawn in the square form shown in Figure 13-4 . The circle is made from three triangles, and the lines of the circle form an equilateral triangle. The other two lines form a circle of approximately equal height, which makes it a triangle. Since this technique can be difficult to learn, I have left it out for now.

The second drawing technique describes the drawing of lines (Figure 13-5 ). The lines are drawn as circles, with two points on the circle each, as shown in Figure 13-6 . This allows to draw lines parallel to the lines of the circle. One way to draw lines parallel to the lines of the circle is to draw them a little farther back onto the line. The other way to draw parallel lines into a circle is to draw two lines perpendicular to the line, which make the circle a triangle (Figure 13-7 ).

The third drawing technique for this drawing is the drawing of arcs. A simple circular arc is drawn in two points with the two arc points spaced a little farther apart than the circle itself (Figure 13-8 ).

Another interesting way to draw arcs with the lines is to place the top line of the arc a little farther back than the bottom line, which makes it a circle (Figure 13-10 )

The fourth drawing technique is the drawing of paths. These are arcs drawn in a circle around a point where the arc is a circle and which also forms a circle around that point. This technique also works well for drawing curves. The circle is drawn as two line segments parallel to each other, as shown in Figure 13-11 .

The fifth drawing technique describes the drawing of lines (Figure 13-12 ). The line segments are drawn a little farther back

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How long does it take to learn to draw? – The Virtual Instructoryoutube
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