How do you start off a painting? – Art Lessons For Kids

What techniques are you bringing to your craft?

I do a few sketches prior to starting to paint. Some are very good as they have a basic shape to them. Some have more details, others are more abstract. I then start a painting of my favourite object.

I then start with what I know best. I am very fond of watercolours, but sometimes I really struggle with the abstract ones.

I often have my client come into the studio with a sketchbook and allow me to come up with some ideas as to what his or her final painting will look like. Then we all begin together, creating an abstract image of our dream.

What do you do after the initial sketch? What do you do?

After the initial sketch, usually around 10-15 hours, I start work on the painting. I create several different colour versions of the final image, depending on what I think is going on when the painting is finished.

I make a couple of versions of the painting and I do a final colour pass, often for around 3-4 hours.

For the final colour, I usually go through the colour wheel and make a selection of those most appealing colours. I then use these colours to build up the final colour of the final painting.

This way, I can go in and colour every single part without having to worry about not having enough space at certain points. That makes for a much softer painting.

Sometimes I have to rework it because I was painting the wrong way for the first version.

What else do you do?

I love to play around with different brushes. I love making different shapes using different techniques. I also like using different shades of the same colour. This always gives the painting a lot of depth.
Realistic drawings and colorful paintings by Xane Asiamah ...

Sometimes I also make a simple sketch of the idea I want to achieve on the ground, which sometimes we will use to help guide the painting direction.

We use different techniques to create the final image. From time to time, I paint my own original paintings.

What is your painting process like?

Usually, after a few sketch sketches, I have a very rough outline of what I want.

After that, I go in a painting. I make a lot of colour variations, depending on what I am designing.

Usually I have a couple of versions of the painting I use. Sometimes, I have a whole bunch of the same design.

Sometimes the

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How do you start off a painting? – Art Lessons For Kids
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