Are artists brains different? – Beginners Art Lessons

Is it possible for artists to have a brain that is on the spectrum of creativity that we all have? And what does this mean for the artist’s career? In this free speech debate, this is the first article I’ve written that tackles the creative use of the term ‘genetic’ when discussing artists.

Why We Feel the Need To Define Creativity

I’ve been trying to think about it from both a creative and an scientific perspective and have stumbled upon the following, which is really helpful:

According to the theory, creativity is the product of an interaction of three genes.

Each gene has a set of instructions for building the specific pathway involved in building a protein.

The three genes create different parts of a protein called “cognition.”

These three genes influence the production of specific proteins that build an architecture for how the brain works. In other words, the 3 genes create the 3 proteins that make up a brain, the cognitive pathway which is the pathway that generates creativity.

Creativity is a product of both genes.

This means that the idea that every brain is the same just isn’t true. If the three genes you’ve mentioned have similar instructions to make a brain, that would say to me that everyone is a genotype of someone else. However, there are different kinds of brains, each of which has its own unique set of genes set apart by its environment.

In other words, different brains are different because they have different sets of genes, each with its own set of instructions on how it builds and uses neural circuitry. And, the interaction of these 3 genes affects the function of the entire human brain.

So, the next question: How does an entire brain become a ‘genotype’ when each individual, each individual has its unique set of genes and the genes interact to make everything possible?

The 3 Basic Parts of A Genotype

Gene Description

For most people, the genetic blueprint for what makes up a human brain is known more or less by this structure:

Brain: Brain cells divide, and DNA is copied and copied onto new cells.

Epifascial nucleus: The nucleus of the cell is surrounded by a series of small structures called mitochondria.
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Synapsin I: Like several other proteins, the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, synapsin I is located directly on the cell membrane.

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Are artists brains different? – Beginners Art Lessons
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