How do you draw realistic lips? – Draw Car 3D Game Y8

You start with a blank canvas, so to speak. Start from a place that you would not want to mess with in the first place: a piece of parchment. Using this piece of paper you can sketch how you would like your lips to look (and not the other way around). Once you have a baseline you can move away. For example, if you’re the big girl, you won’t want to mess with too many of the curves of a smaller girl’s mouth. However, if you are the girl whose face is smaller but you don’t care for the angles, try it on the paper you will use when your first lip color comes up.

Do the same with your mouth! You can start with a basic idea, such as how it looks on the lips. Next, work out how you would like it to move. You can start with the center of the mouth. When you move outside of that center, don’t worry about it. Remember, with realistic lips, it is all about getting the lips, and you can’t mess with the way they move outside of the mouth.

What kind of makeup do you prefer?

For me, I prefer very loose makeup. I’ve gone so far as to say that loose makeup is my perfect color. My favorite color of makeup would be the pink I get when I have my hair wet and look in the mirror as I get my makeup done. I think a lot of younger girls, when they get older, want to show off a new color they have in their makeup. (I still have the red lipstick for when I get out in public.) If you’ve ever tried to wear red lipstick with your lips, you’ll know how uncomfortable it is. For me, it’s too strong and I don’t always feel like I look like I do. In my opinion, if it isn’t too thick and you don’t need to touch the lips a ton, why have a bold color?

Why do you like how you are now and want to do better?

To me, lip color is very personal and very hard to change. I’ll start with the basics, like how the mouth and lips look. Then move on to the color and the angles you want to go to. For example, if I’m the smaller girl, I want the center of my lips to be pink. For the larger girl, with bigger lips, I’ll put in a little bit of a dark red. I prefer to keep it simple.

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How do you draw realistic lips? – Draw Car 3D Game Y8
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